May 10, 2024
In celebration of Mother's Day we spoke with Olivia Bond, the founder of Olivia Bond Diamonds and friend of Par Olive to find out more about her beauty and wellness rituals to feel her best.
Tell us, what are your 5 cannot-live-without beauty products?
-All of the Rationale regime, there is more than five but I can’t pick just one!
-Great facial SPF.. I have been looking for a cleaner one that gives a great glow and have just discovered the Skinny Confidential Caffeinated Sunscreen which I’m loving.
-Not a product exactly but facial massage and Gua Sha I think are so good for a bit of morning lymphatic drainage, I try to dedicate a few minutes to this every day.
-I LOVE all LED lights, the masks at home are great but I prefer the in-salon industrial ones.
Is there a skin treatment you prioritise to make you feel your best?
I recently tried Morpheus 8 which I thought made a big difference to my skin’s elasticity and ‘bounce’. It definitely was not what I would describe as a comfortable treatment however!
I suppose what I prioritise most in daily life is my diet and hydration, I think without the basic buildings blocks of good nutrition and enough water you can do all sorts of treatments and try different products but they will only get you so far.
What is one ritual you do either daily / weekly or monthly to unwind and tune back into you?
My unwind ritual most evenings, after I have put the kids to bed, is to watch a really good series for an hour and eat a few squares of Alter Eco chocolate and drink chamomile tea. After that I go to bed and read my book for around half an hour before sleep. It’s boring probably but I look forward to that time every day!
Could you share the foods you prioritise for optimal skin health?
Eating a full rainbow of colours I believe has a dramatic effect on your skin health, it really gives a glow! Also I eat a lot of fats and proteins, especially from meats and fish, as I know they are excellent for skin health.
What is your PEARL ritual?
I gave up coffee a few months ago, so since then I like to add the Coconut flavour PEARL to my morning smoothie. I make quite a comprehensive smoothie every breakfast. I like to add collagen, probiotics, protein and coconut oil. It energises me for the day and gets me through til lunchtime (plus I can drink it standing up making the kids breakfasts!)
Do you have any wellness rituals you practice regularly?
Quite a few! Aside from working out regularly, I do saunas and ice baths five or six days a week. I also believe in the power of nature in calming the nervous system, so I try to get outside into green space or to the beach when I have time. I also love trying to watch the sunrise, even if its just out the window as I am getting ready, I know it’s so good for your circadian rhythms and hormone health.
If you could only pick one, what is your favourite element about being a mother?
I suppose I just feel that motherhood has enriched my life in a way I couldn’t have comprehended. And challenged me, of course, but I think that is such a big part of personal growth.