You’ve no doubt noticed jade stones of all shapes and sizing flying across your social feeds and online shopping platforms. But what actually is Gua Sha? Does it work, or is it yet another fad? We deep dive into the history of Gua Sha, and the benefits you might see.


Gua Sha is a traditional massage used in Chinese medicine to detoxify the system. “Gua” means scrape, and “Sha” refers to the redness of the skin, which is the desired result of this type of massage. The goal of Gua Sha in traditional Chinese medicine is to promote a healthy complexion and radiance.

Typically, a natural stone like jade is used, believed to have healing properties. The oil selected is imperative to allow “slip” with the Gua Sha across facial structures, leading to increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Organic Jojoba oil is a Par Olive favourite because it is gentle on sensitive skin, rich in antioxidants and vitamin E. Specific stroke style, direction and pressure should be based on the anatomy of the face to promote blood flow circulation. With regular use, many people report a reduction in puffiness, a more refined facial structure and an overall refreshed appearance.

So, how does Gua Sha actually work?

Gua Sha works by activating the musculoskeletal system by stimulating the muscles and tendons that live under the skins surface. As this system is rarely used, tension and fluid can build up, leading to puffiness, sagging and dull looking skin. Massaging this area with a Gua Sha technique, with strategic strokes, will drain fluid, relax muscles and refresh the complexion.

How often should you practice Gua Sha?

As often as you can. Incorporate this into your self-care regime as a meditative practice to care for your skin. Light a candle, pop on your comfiest robe, apply your organic jojoba oil and take 5 minutes for you practicing your Gua Sha massage technique. You’ll thank us later.