March 13, 2024
We recently sat down with our friend Kate Bond, the Founder of Bond Street to find out more about her beauty & wellness rituals alongside managing a business and motherhood.
What is your morning routine?
I wake up at 5.30/6am and the first thing I do is apply my Rationale skincare and then get ready before the boys wake up. Once they’re up I then get in to making them breakfast. For breakfast I have a smoothie and then either drop Artie to pre-school or get into the day’s activities. Otheriwise, if it’s one of the days where I have a nanny I go to either a strength and conditioning gym class or a pilates class at 9.30am.
What is your PEARL Ritual?
It changes on the day. Sometimes I have an afternoon PEARL Matcha as a pick-me-up or sometimes it’s mid-morning. Other days I have the PEARL collagen in my coffee and sometimes I do both! Since using PEARL I’ve really noticed my skin is much more hydrated and plump. Even my chest and hands feel more hydrated! My nails feel really strong and are getting longer without breaking which is huge for me.

What is your evening regime?
After we put the kids to bed I shower and do my rationale skincare (I’ve used rationale religiously for 8 or 9 years). After that I get some work done and either watch a show with my husband or get in to bed and read. My wellness routine would be that my husband and I have a sauna together a couple times a week after the kids have gone to bed (we had one installed and it’s been game changing!) followed by a cold shower and then we sit outside and chat. It’s such a nice way to catch up at the end of the day.
Whats a typical day look like for you?
My four-year-old goes to pre-school three days a week but on the days that he’s home it’s very much mum mode! Two boys don’t let you get much else done. I take them to swimming lessons, the park, the beach and the dreaded play centres depending on the day. We usually bake and swim in the pool. And lots of lego! When my two-year-old naps in the middle of the day I’ll then get to emails and work as well as getting all the usual domestic jobs done. But I have a wonderful nanny three mornings a week and those days look verrrry different!
Tell us more about Bond Street....
Bond Street was born out of my love for the daily luxuries. The little things you do, wear or consume every day that make you feel good about yourself. I wanted to create pyjamas that made you feel luxurious, elegant and put together at the end of the day, but weren’t relegated to the bedroom.

How to you manage the roles of motherhood and running a business?
Not very well! I have never really had clearly defined “work” or “mum” days so often the two meld together and it can be a little bit clunky! But as my kids are getting older it’s getting easier. I’m looking forward to being able to dedicate more time to Bond Street as the kids grow while also relishing the stage I’m in right now.
Could you share your go-to skin treatment?
I love the Rationale Epinova facial and have had that three or four times a year for many years now. I also like the result of skin needling when I’ve had it but often put it off because it’s not very comfortable! I absolutely love getting an LED light treatment at KFE. It makes such an instant difference to your skin. But to me, true wellness comes in the form of a blow-dry, haha. I am addicted!
I am happiest when.... Planning a holiday
I calm my nervous system by... talking to my husband
In my handbag you'll find.... a keep cup, eyebrow brushes and 15 lip balms.
My 3 favourite skincare products are... Rationale #1, #2 & tinted SPF.
The best beauty advice I have been given... Treat your neck & décolletage like your face
In 2024 you'll see me... Hopefully growing Bond Street and cuddling my babies!